Revealed: Book Lover


  Here's the whole twist...

Ah, a good read and puzzle go hand-in-hand. Such fun to puzzle all things so near and dear to a book lover.  Many things have gone amiss within this collection of favorite book accompaniments, quotes and more.

Were you able to find the 34 differences between the box cover and the puzzle image?

Book Lover Revealed
Refer to box art below for location of each of these changes.

  1. One coffee cup was moved and the other one is gone to make room for the child to join family reading time...
  2. as the parents happily watch (Fun fact - this is a cameo appearance of Kevin Cannon/artist’s family!)
  3. A cactus plant replaces the flowers
  4. The rainbow is reading a different book (book changed color)
  5. Fork that was shown next to the book about Pie (fitting!) changed to a top secret ribbon next to ARC (advanced reader copy) book
  6. Rabbits are now reading the book
  7. The dark cloud/lightening image and black camera image containing quotes changed places (move to #32)
  8. William Shakespeare author and quote changed to Emily Dickinson with her quote
  9. The chalk colors changed (did you catch this?!)
  10. A sneaky racoon crawled under the sandwich board
  11. We got to the end of this book!
  12. Page is now chapter – can you relate?!
  13. A dog is now holding the flashlight...
  14. the sun is rising...
  15. and now a cat is in the tent (such a long night of reading)
  16. Now a bird is carrying the book
  17. The diver is wearing swim fins
  18. One of the flowers changed
  19. Color circles around letters change
  20. We are now on chapter two
  21. That’s a different library...
  22. and different bookstore
  23. Some of the locations and colors on the sign changed
  24. The tote has a different saying on it
  25. A squirrel sneaked into the scene to check out the open books
  26. The gift is replaced with a graduation cap and diploma and fitting quote
  27. That’s a different cookbook shown in mixing bowl
  28. The eyeglasses are different color and the lenses fade
  29. An octopus replaced the fish...
  30. and other seashells appear
  31. Two different readers on joined in – did you spot them?
  32. The camera quotes is now here (from location #7)
  33. The donut has chocolate frosting with sprinkles
  34. The clock quote is now a door hanger with a different quote





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Answers to the Book Lover Trivia:

  1. How did the word “bookworm” originate?
    Just as the bookworm illustration appears in the puzzle, the word literally refers to worms, bugs, and moths that ate books. Nowadays, the word refers to people that are voracious readers of books.
  2. What is the most-read book of all time?
    The Bible with an estimated 5 billion printed copies around the world

  3. Name the top five most read books.
    - The Bible
    - The Holy Quran
    - Little Red Book (Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung),
    - Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling
    - The Lord of the Rings Series by J.R.R. Tolkien
    - The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
    - The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown
    - The Twilight Saga by Stephanie Myers
    - Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
    - Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
  1. What is an ARC book?
    Un-proofed, but mostly complete copy; made available before the official publication date:
    -  advance reading copy
    -  advance reader copy
    -  advance reviewer’s copy
    -  advance review copy
  1. Who is Toni Morrison?
    One of the most celebrated authors in the world; wrote plays children’s books, and novels that earned her the Pulitzer Prize and Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Barack Obama. Among best known works – The Bluest Eye (1970), Sula (1973), Song of Solomon (1977), Beloved (1987 and Playing in the Dark: Whiteness and the Literary Imagination (1992) and Remember (2004)

  2. What is the little girl’s name from Whoville? Cindy Lou Who
  3. Name the four houses in Hogwarts.
    Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin
  1. Name the two children in Terabithia who create a magical forest kingdom in their imagination. 
    Leslie Burke, Jesse Aarons
  1. Name the four characters who attend a tea party in Wonderland.    Alice, The Mad Hatter, The Dormouse, The March Hare
  1. Name three of the characters whose homeland was the Shire.       There are five: Bilbo Baggins, Frodo Baggins, Sam Gamgee, Merry Brandybuck and Pippin Took
  1. Name the four main characters who visit the world of Narnia through a wardrobe.  Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy Pevensie
  1. How many libraries are in the U.S.?|
    In 2023, there is an estimated 9,057 public libraries… if you include school libraries, armed forces libraries, special and government the estimate is 123,627 libraries in the U.S. (Source: American Library Association)

    13. How do you get on the New York Times Best Seller list?  Requires author to make a minimum of 5,000 book sales in a single week across diverse retailers and from multiple geographic locations.  Closely guarded trade secret how analyzes sales data.
  1. When was the printing press invented?
    Johannes Gutenbery from Germany is credited as inventing the printing press around 1436. The printing press made it possible to product books quickly, accurately, and less expensively so they could be reproduced in greater numbers.

  2. What is the English translation of the Latin phrase: Veni, Vidi, Legi?
    I came, I saw, I read.
    The Latin phrase “Veni, vidi, vici” was an elegant way of saying “I came, I saw, I conquered”. The Roman general Julius Caesar allegedly first used the phrase c46 BC in his report to the Senate after quickly defeating Pharnaces II of Pontus at the Battle of Zela.
  1. Name at least five benefits of reading. You may think of more!
    Sources: and
    - Reduces stress
    - Cardio for your brain
    - Lowers blood pressure & heart rate
    - Delays onset of age-related mental issues
    - Can help you sleep better
    - Helps with depression & anxiety
    - Builds vocabulary
    - Increases general knowledge
    - Makes you a happier person
    - People who read more, live longer (study from Yale)
  1. Where can you find a map of independent bookstores in the Midwest?
    Check out our Midwest Indie Roadmap puzzle as well!

  2. When and what was the first eBook created?
    Michael S. Hart invented the first eBook in 1971 of the American Declaration of Independence. First eBook readers launched in 1998 with significant increase in this format with the launch of Kindle in 2007

  3. Who is the protagonist? Who is the antagonist?
    Protagonist is the leading character; advocate or champion of a cause
    Antagonist is an adversary; opposes or hostile to someone

  4. What is the difference between an autobiography and a biography?
    Autobiography is an account of a person’s life written by that person. Biography is written by someone else.

  5. What is the Newbery Medal?
    Annual literary award given by the Association for Library Service to Children to the author of the most distinguished contributions to American literature for children. Established in 1922; goes to American citizen or resident
  1. What year was Kevin Cannon commissioned as the artist for the Minnesota State Fair?
    Kevin was originally commissioned for the 2020 Minnesota State Fair, but the fair was cancelled due to the pandemic.  He modified his art, and it was released at the 2021 Minnesota State Fair.


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