Revealed: Heart of St. Paul
Here's the whole twist...

When was the last time you visited historic St. Paul, MN? There are so many things to see and do, including events, concerts, favorite sports teams, restaurants and city walking tours. With all these things to choose from, it’s no wonder many things have gone amiss.
Were you able to find the 36 differences between the puzzle you assembled and the box image.
Heart of St. Paul Revealed:
Refer to box art below for location of each of these changes.
- Color of SAINT PAUL lettering changes to purple (and shifts slightly to the right)
- Color of this circle is now blue versus red
- State Capital moves to location #9 and changes colors (now gold with blue accents)
- Brewery scene is now the Wabasha Street Caves with a gangster getting out of his car!
- Glass of beer moves down and is smaller
- First National Bank Building is shown at a very different angle...
- and these middle windows now are longer...
- plus the lights in the windows change from “GO WILD!” to “GO FROST!”
- The Cathedral of Saint Paul moves to location #3, breaking the lettering/circle and changes from blue to green color...
- with 2 spires added in white
- Soccer ball (a tribute to the Loons) changes to a baseball (a tribute to the St. Paul Saints)
- Space Tower from the Minnesota State Fair travels up, and the top portion of the ride now extends to the left of the SAINT PAUL lettering
- Space Tower’s circular movement reveals Fairchild (mascot of the Minnesota State Fair) is on the ride!
- St. Paul Winter Carnival logo moves to the right of where the Capitol moves; much smaller...
- and is replaced with a new image -- a purple map of the state and counties
- Clock on the Landmark Center shows a different time...
- and the Landmark Center is now tan versus gold
- Minnesota Frost player moves to location #19; smaller
- Minnesota Wild player moves to location #18; larger
- Wild player’s face shield is removed...
- plus the jersey and gloves change
- City skyline silhouette in the Excel Energy Center moves to location #35...
- Silhouette in the Excel Energy Center is now of sports players, and musicians’ (including a famous pianist, Linus!)
- Familiar red doghouse (Snoopy’s doghouse) is removed from the scene
- Highland Park Tower is now a tan color versus gold and blue
- Loon moves to location #36, changes direction and is much larger
- This circle now has a white outline around it...
- Sky behind the train changes to a blue color (instead of cream)
- Train color changes from orange to red, and the reflection in the windshield is now blue
- Union Depot has lamp posts in front...
- and the grass in front of the Depot changes to a different shade of green
- Pine trees change to leafy/deciduous trees
- Two people are playing frisbee in the park
- Silhouette in the water changes to reflect the change in the type of trees...
- City skyline silhouette appears here in white versus blue (from location#22)
- Riverboat has moved out of the scene

Need a Hint? Click Here.
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