Wall of Shame

It happens.  Piece hits the floor... like a cookie crumb... Sparky has gobbled it up so fast... you didn't even have time to react.  Bad Dog!

Good News!  We may be able to replace those damaged/missing pieces for you.  Send us a photo of the area of where the pieces are damaged/missing along with a photo of the culprit and your address.  Give us some time... about  month... to search for the replacements and we'll ship them to you.

Now... go give that pooch a pat and a treat.

Following is our Canine Wall of Shame... photos of these piece eating thieves.  Please be aware of puzzling within the area of these pups and take extra effort to prevent your pieces from going astray.


Chewed 3 pieces
Eaten 7 pieces

Nordic Love

February 25, 2023


Piece Stolen

July 2022


Piece Eaten

July 2022
Color Me Minnesota


Piece Eaten???

March 2022
Doggone Crazy!

1 Piece Chewed Beyond Recognition

March 2022
Fabric of Minnesota

1 Piece Chewed

February 2022
National Parks and Treasures

1 Piece Chewed

January 2022
Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox
Molly -

2 pieces eaten

January 2022
Cabin Rules

Malcolm -

2 pieces damaged
3 pieces eaten

January - 2022
National Parks and Treasures

Beau (7 months)

2 Pieces eaten

January 2022
Minnesota Landmarks

1 Piece Eaten

Not sure which of these two is the guilty party.  Either way - the other is accomplice.

February 2021
North Shore

Bärli (6 Months)

2 Pieces Eaten

February 2021
National Parks and Treasures