Revealed: ROBOTS
Here's the whole twist...
ROBOTS Revealed:
Below you will find a list of all the changes for each robot in the jigsaw puzzle. The robots are numbered as they appear on the box cover from left to right, top to bottom. Were you able to spot all the changes!
Robot 1:
- Background has changed from blue to yellow
- Two eyes have turned into a smile
- Circle on chest has moved to a new location
- Circle on chest has changed from yellow to white
- Circle on chest now looks like an eye
Robot 2:
- One of the robot's hands is in the air waving at you
- Mouth has changed from red to blue
- Smile within the mouth has flopped horizontally
- Arms are connected lower on the robot's body
Robot 3:
- This robot is now looking at robot 2
- Hands are no longer complete circles
- Both feet are now pointing in the same direction
Robot 4:
- Background has changed from yellow to green
- Both arms are in the air
- Eyes have changed from maroon to orange
- Light on the robot's head has changed from green to orange
- There is an additional highlight on the robot's arm
- The chest now displays a gauge
Robot 5:
- This robot is now looking at robot 6
- The circle shaped antenna on this robot's head has changed to a vertical antenna with a maroon ball on top
- The two arms now have C shaped hands
Robot 6:
- Background has gone from maroon to blue
- The tread on the tire has gone from a prominent black horizontal tread to a prominent orange vertical tread
- The antenna on the robot's head has been pushed down
- The base of the antenna has changed from blue to maroon
- The oval shaped center of the robot (looks like a nose or mouth) has gone from being in a vertical placement to being horizontal
Robot 7:
- Robot has rotated so that his mouth is now on top of his eyes
- Robot is now looking at robot 11
- The orange ring around the robot has turned white
- The eight dots around the robot ring have turned from maroon to green
- The two vertical arms on the top and bottom of the robot are now touching the center sphere of the robot (only slightly not touching on the box) - this is a tough one!
Robot 8:
- Eyes have turned from orange/yellow to blue/light blue
- Orange body has changed to green
- Border around mouth and gauges have changed from maroon to yellow
- Arms have changed from maroon to yellow
Robot 9:
- Left eye pupil has shrank
- Right eye pupil has enlarged
- Robot's arm has been raised
Robot 10:
- Background has changed from green to orange
- Robot has changed from orange to blue
- The ball on top of the robot's antenna has changed from grey to maroon and the white dot in the antenna has moved
Robot 11:
- Black wings have turned blue
- Orange stripe on robot's body has turned blue
- Orange stripes on the robot's wings have turned black
- Eyes have turned from blue to black and pupils turned white
Robot 12:
- Arms Up!
- Eyes switched sides
- Mouth has changed from a horizontal one line smile to a smile made from 6 vertical lines
An added change – each letter in the word ROBOTS has changed from blue to green or from green to blue!
Were you able to find all the changes?
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