Revealed: You Betcha!


  Here's the whole twist...

Words and phrases, this puzzle is a celebration of all things Midwestern. Many things have gone amiss within this collection of familiar slang and sayings used in our Midwest speak. Were you able to find the 21 differences between the box cover and the puzzle image?

You Betcha! Revealed

  1. Nordeast changed to Ya Don’t Say?
  2. Please, YOU take the LAST one changed to No, YOU take the LAST one
  3. Hot Enough for Ya changed to Cold Enough for Ya
  4. Sun turns into clouds
  5. Temperature gauge drops
  6. Oh fer sure! changed to oh fer fun!
  7. Soda changed to Pop
  8. Hot Dish is being eaten – with some on the fork
  9. Real quick image - the hands on the alarm clock have moved
  10. Oh fer cute – changed from cat to dog image
  11. Okie Dokie and Big Ten swapped locations
  12. Bird image added after Holy Buckets (versus stars)
  13. Big Ten image changed slightly – showing football and no uprights (goal posts)
  14. Word Padiddle added to car with one headlight out
  15. Take care, then changed to Bye Bye now
  16. Just gonna Squeeze in there changed to Just gonna Squeeze past ya!
  17. Hello, I’m Lena changed to Hello, I’m Ole
  18. Bag Toss now Corn Hole
  19. Bag toss bags have moved
  20. Well then why don’t ya? changed to Roll out the barrel
  21. Ya Don’t Say changed to Nordeast
  22. Skol megaphone facing opposite direction
  23. Two ducks in duck duck gray duck image changed direction




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Still need more help to finish the puzzle?  Prefer to view the actual puzzle image?  Click here to see the complete reveal.


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